Grocery Store Epiphany
A personal epiphany was not on my grocery list when I made an exploratory visit to a new discount supermarket in town, but remarkable experiences can happen when least expected.
The Richness of Home
During this Covid-19 era, so full of uncertainty, fears, and mandated restrictions, I’ve gained a fresh appreciation of the home I’ve shared with Hubby Darling for 15 years. It’s nothing fancy—a rectangular box, solidly built in the 1940’s—but it provides much more than shelter and security.
The Mending Revival
“Use it up, wear it out, make it last, do without.” This saying, often attributed to the British, thrifty New Englanders, or Calvin Coolidge, gained popularity in the US during the Great Depression and was also in vogue throughout World War II, when many commodities were in short supply. It’s also apt in the current era, when minimizing the harmful effects of climate change on our fraying planet is a crucial issue.
In My Garden
As an excuse for not keeping in touch with a friend, I explained recently, “My garden kept me prisoner till dark.” I meant it as a joke, certain that she would understand, because she too is a gardener. “Once I set foot in it, I find so many things to do I couldn’t get out for hours.” She laughed, and forgave me.